Singlehood and the Unmarried Gentleman.

Being single and unmarried in an urban setting such as New York has many advantages, such as not having a significant other to answer to or worrying about getting home at a certain hour, in short there are no rules but your own.  Living independence and autonomy is the name of the game here.  Being male and single is important to many, as we are not “Tied Down” and can pursue our hobbies and interests at our own leisure without the hassle of relationships.



Males who are single by choice like myself, have a mental well-being much better than if in a relationship.  While the myths of men who choose the single life, such as being self-centered, lonely, and that we just don’t care for others, is simply false. There are many friends and acquaintances that we care about and respect very much.  One of the stereotypes of single people is that they are afraid of commitment, which is not the case, many single men show great commitment to their work, studies, organizations, and hobbies.


We live in a society that teaches us that we must get married by a certain age, and if we don’t than we have failed in something, marriage is not for everyone. While female companionship is nice on a short term basis, and having “open relationships” can work out quite well. Cohabitation is fine if the freedom to pursue and fulfill our own lifestyle, are not infringed upon.


Freedom and independence is of the utmost importance for such men. Being married is not what society has led us to believe, which is why the divorce rate is 50% in the U.S. Having two or more intimate female partners can be just as fulfilling, than a contemporary marriage, not to imply that marriage for some is not.



Cohabitation has become more widespread in the U.S. than ever before, as well as being more accepted.  As an alternative to marriage cohabitation is more suited for the type of male that enjoys being single, if the situation does not work out, than there is less mess and clutter to deal with.


Being single and unmarried for some can be a great lifestyle for those gentlemen who prefer their freedom and independence, and choose to live life on their own terms.
