A Gentleman’s Guide to Staying “Simp” Free in 2024.

As you may know (if you don’t this guide will help you), there is a whole class of women who float around in social gatherings i.e bars, lounges, clubs, using their looks coupled with manipulation to ensnare a “Simp” with the goal of one thing, to get you to pay for everything for her (and all of her friends as well). it can also be described as: “It is when a male is overly submissive to a female and gains nothing from it. So overly submissive that other guys cringe and feel ashamed when seeing them.” according to the Urban dictionary. Or

“Simp” is a slang term used to describe a person who is perceived as overly submissive or even desperate for the attention or affection of someone without receiving anything in return.

I refer to these kind of women as “Simp-Sharks”. They will do anything in their power to get some “nice guy” to subsidize their lifestyle for as long as possible, often they will “collect” 3 or 4 of these “simps” to pay for different areas of their life’s. one for Food: (the one they call to pay for free meals), one for Bills: (to her rent, phone, gas, car-note, etc), and another for Travel: (vacations, weekend trips, day trips, cruise’s).

How to Spot Simp-Sharks:

1) The well sexy\dressed women, alone or with a group of 2-4. they will flatter and flirt their way into your wallet with a finesse and false sense they you might have a shot with them. 

2) The attractive female who friend-zoned you for years, but never makes any deposits only withdrawals i.e. never pays for anything when she’s with you, never brought you anything ever.                                

3) The dating wolf who is just dating you for a free meal/night out, and refuses to kiss you or avoids anything romantic or sexual.

It is best to spend that hard earned money investing in yourself. purchase some stock, crypto, or art. Built yourself up rather than letting these parasites tear you down.

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